Since 2016

Copywriter at BILD Travelbook travel magazine

BILD Travelbook

The Bild newspaper is a German tabloid published by Axel Springer AG which is one of Germany’s biggest publishing houses. They publish with Travelbook a digital travel magazine and I am a regular guest author at BILD Travelbook.

This is what I do

✓ Regular travel blogger for their travel magazine

✓ Working closely with the social media team at BILD Travelbook

Examples of Content Creation

✓ BILD Travelbook: 10 Tipps für Karibik-Urlaub mit kleinem Budget

✓ BILD Travelbook: Wie Globetrotter in Australien ausgebeutet werden

✓ BILD Travelbook: 9 Tipps & Tricks, wie man sich den Traum von der Südsee leisten kann